Pubg mobile emulator for mac
Pubg mobile emulator for mac

  1. #Pubg mobile emulator for mac how to#
  2. #Pubg mobile emulator for mac apk#

This request will appear on the top of the message and once you click yes, you’ll be moved to lobby along with your friend once he pressed Start game. Ask your friend to request you to join his team l. How can I remove the time limit in PUBG KR PC app? So, using of VPN to change the IP address will Avoid PUBG 6 Hour Limit. As the game banned in particular regions, the use of a VPN will help you to play the game. There are no particular ways to Avoid PUBG 6 hour limit but we can change the IP address and play the game. FAQs Why can’t I play PUBG Mobile KR after 3 hours? If you are a smartphone user from Korea, you can play the PUBG Mobile KR on your smartphone as well.

  • Now it will start the installation of the app on your PC.
  • Select the open with BlueStacks option.
  • #Pubg mobile emulator for mac apk#

  • Open the location of the downloaded apk file and right-click on it.
  • You will need to get an Apk file downloaded on your PC,.
  • Complete the Installation of the emulator on your PC by following the on-screen instructions.
  • You will need to install the BlueStacks emulator on your PC.
  • #Pubg mobile emulator for mac how to#

    How to Install the PUBG Mobile KR on Windows and Mac

    pubg mobile emulator for mac

    The PUBG Mobile KR (Korean version) is another equivalent of the game, an alternative to the original game and it comes with different features like new events, better rewards, and uses a special currency called Donkatsu Medal. Unlike the Global version of the PUBG Mobile, this game is almost identical but is a Korean version that can be played using a quick workaround. Since PUBG Mobile Korean version is only available for Korean and Japanese players, players residing outside these regions can’t directly download the latest update from Google Play Store. The KR variant has a wide range of exclusive in-game cosmetic items and offers the users a unique in-game currency known as the “Donkatsu Medal,” which can be used to purchase crates and other items.

    pubg mobile emulator for mac

    PUBG Mobile KR for PC is arguably the most popular alternative version of the renowned battle royale title published by Krafton Inc. PUBG Mobile has several region-specific variants, including VN, TW, etc. Most recently, the developers Tencent Games rolled out the 1.3 update for PUBG Mobile Korean (KR) version which added a new MotorGlider vehicle, Karakin map, Sniper Rifle, and a lot more to the title.

    pubg mobile emulator for mac

    PUBG Mobile, one of the most played battle royale games, offers many different versions developed explicitly for different regions.

    Pubg mobile emulator for mac